Adequacy Decision for the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework Issued on July 10, 2023

On July 10, 2023, the European Commission adopted its adequacy decision facilitating cross-border transfers of personal data under the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (the “DPF”) in compliance with EU law. On the basis of the adequacy decision, personal data can flow safely from the EU to U.S. companies certified under the DPF, without having to put in place additional data protection safeguards.

Proofpoint is pleased to announce that it is certified under the DPF and adheres to the DPF Principles.

Notwithstanding Proofpoint’s certification, Proofpoint will continue to include the Standard Contractual Clauses in its standard data processing agreement as an available data transfer mechanism for personal data transfers outside of Europe. In addition, Proofpoint will continue to provide its data exporter customers with a data transfer assessment, [1] in accordance with the European Court of Justice’s decision in Schrems II and related guidance issued by the European Data Protection Board.


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最終更新 May 30, 2024.